my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 my stamps :3 they might be giants

hi! welcome to my website. hang around, maybe. i'm developing a comic and working on a couple other creative projects on the side. so, that's cool. you might want to know a bit about ME though, right? i'm a pretty private person online, but the i'll tell you a couple things: my name's rae (they/them'd) and i like to draw, occasionally. my favorite books are the ones that are good. i watched a movie once. alright, that's all the personal information my mommy says i'm allowed to divulge on the internet- sorry! anyways, thanks for reading.